"Some of you may know that I have been publishing a prayer-poem a week on the blog ‘Pray the Story’. These prayers respond to one of the lectionary readings for the following Sunday.
As I have completed a full cycle through the Revised Common Lectionary, I have compiled them all into a book, and added some extra poems that were composed as exclusives for patrons, liturgy for the eucharist, some hymns, and incidental prayers. I have also included two indexes - forms and themes, and Bible references, which are tools I have found helpful in such books."
Rev Dr Sarah Agnew
Storyteller - poet - minister
Canberra Central Uniting Church Parish
Follow the Blog: http://praythestory.blogspot.com/
Pray the Story is a collection of prayer-poems that respond to Revised Common Lectionary portions of the Bible, with extra material including new words to familiar hymns for Easter and Christmas, and liturgies for the Eucharist. Poetry, prayer, and liturgy from the pen of Sarah Agnew is spoken in Christian communities the world over. This book collates a three-year cycle of prayer, with indexes, to present a valuable resource for anyone leading gathered worship.
Purchase this book: http://www.lulu.com/shop/sarah-agnew/pray-the-story/paperback/product-24338165.html